New iphone meme

Here are a few ideas for a new iPhone meme:

  1. "When you finally get the new iPhone, but..."

[Image of a person holding the new iPhone, with a disappointed expression]

Caption: "But the battery life is still trash"

  1. "When you try to take a selfie with the new iPhone, but..."

[Image of a person taking a selfie with the new iPhone, with a blurry or poorly lit photo]

Caption: "But the camera is still not as good as my old flip phone"

  1. "When you try to use the new iPhone's facial recognition, but..."

[Image of a person trying to unlock their iPhone with facial recognition, with a confused expression]

Caption: "But it still can't recognize my face"

  1. "When you finally get the new iPhone, but..."

[Image of a person holding the new iPhone, with a frustrated expression]

Caption: "But the price is still too high"

  1. "When you try to use the new iPhone's wireless charging, but..."

[Image of a person trying to charge their iPhone wirelessly, with a tangled mess of cables]

Caption: "But the charging pad is still a tangled mess"

  1. "When you try to use the new iPhone's water resistance, but..."

[Image of a person trying to use their iPhone in the shower, with water splashing everywhere]

Caption: "But it's still not waterproof"

  1. "When you finally get the new iPhone, but..."

[Image of a person holding the new iPhone, with a bored expression]

Caption: "But it's just another iPhone"

  1. "When you try to use the new iPhone's augmented reality features, but..."

[Image of a person trying to use AR features, with a confused expression]

Caption: "But it's still not as cool as Pokémon Go"

  1. "When you try to use the new iPhone's night mode, but..."

[Image of a person taking a photo in low light, with a poorly lit photo]

Caption: "But it's still not as good as my old camera phone"

  1. "When you finally get the new iPhone, but..."

[Image of a person holding the new iPhone, with a relieved expression]

Caption: "But at least it's not a Samsung"

Feel free to modify or add to these ideas to create your own meme!