New instagram story features

Instagram is constantly updating and adding new features to its stories. Here are some of the latest features:

  1. Reels: Instagram Reels is a new feature that allows users to create and share short videos up to 60 seconds. Reels can be shared as a story or posted to the feed.
  2. Live Rooms: Live Rooms is a feature that allows up to four users to go live together in a single broadcast. This feature is great for hosting Q&A sessions, workshops, or even concerts.
  3. Poll Sticker: The poll sticker is a new feature that allows users to create polls and ask their followers to vote on a question or topic.
  4. Question Sticker: The question sticker is a feature that allows users to ask their followers questions and receive answers in the form of comments.
  5. Music: Instagram has added a music feature to its stories, allowing users to add songs to their stories and reels.
  6. Effects: Instagram has introduced a new effects feature that allows users to add augmented reality (AR) effects to their stories and reels.
  7. Shopping: Instagram has added a shopping feature to its stories, allowing users to tag products in their stories and reels and enable customers to purchase from the app.
  8. IGTV: IGTV is a feature that allows users to upload longer-form videos up to 60 minutes. IGTV videos can be shared as a story or posted to the feed.
  9. Story Templates: Instagram has introduced a new feature called Story Templates, which allows users to create and customize their own story templates using a variety of design tools.
  10. Enhanced Camera: Instagram has updated its camera feature to include new filters, effects, and editing tools, making it easier for users to create high-quality content.
  11. Collaborative Stories: Instagram has introduced a new feature called Collaborative Stories, which allows users to create and share stories with up to 10 other users.
  12. Story Highlights: Instagram has updated its story highlights feature to allow users to create and customize their own story highlights using a variety of design tools.
  13. Reels Drafts: Instagram has introduced a new feature called Reels Drafts, which allows users to save and edit their reels in progress.
  14. Story Analytics: Instagram has introduced a new feature called Story Analytics, which allows users to track the performance of their stories and reels.
  15. Mute Stories: Instagram has introduced a new feature called Mute Stories, which allows users to mute stories from specific accounts or all accounts at once.

These are just a few of the latest features that Instagram has added to its stories. The platform is constantly evolving, so there may be new features added in the future!