New instagram filter

A new Instagram filter! That sounds like a fun project! Here's a rough outline of what you could create:

Concept: Choose a theme, style, or effect that you want to create for your filter. Some ideas could be:


  1. Color palette: Select a set of colors that fit your theme. You can use a color picker tool or create a custom palette.
  2. Textures and patterns: Add textures and patterns to give your filter depth and interest. You can use images, illustrations, or even 3D models.
  3. Shapes and objects: Incorporate shapes and objects that fit your theme. This could be anything from buildings to animals to abstract shapes.
  4. Lighting and shading: Use lighting and shading techniques to create depth and dimension in your filter. You can use gradient maps, shadows, and highlights to achieve this.
  5. Effects and distortions: Add effects and distortions to give your filter a unique look. This could be anything from glitch art to watercolor-style blurs.

Technical aspects:

  1. Software: You'll need a software that can help you create and edit your filter. Some popular options include Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects.
  2. Resolution and size: Make sure your filter is optimized for Instagram's resolution and size requirements (1080 x 1920 pixels).
  3. Format: Save your filter in a format that Instagram supports, such as PNG or GIF.

Tips and tricks:

  1. Keep it simple: Don't overcomplicate your design. Keep it simple and focused on your theme.
  2. Experiment and iterate: Try different designs, colors, and effects until you find the look you want.
  3. Test and refine: Test your filter on different images and refine it until it looks great on a variety of content.

How to upload your filter to Instagram:

  1. Create a new filter: Go to Instagram's filter creation page and click "Create a new filter."
  2. Upload your design: Upload your filter design and adjust the settings as needed.
  3. Test and publish: Test your filter on different images and publish it when you're happy with the results.

That's a basic outline of how to create a new Instagram filter!