New insight into ielts

Here are some new insights into IELTS:

1. Focus on Task Achievement: In the Writing and Speaking tests, the examiner is looking for how well you can complete a task, not just how well you can write or speak. Make sure to focus on achieving the task, rather than just showing off your language skills.

2. Use of Discourse Markers: Discourse markers are words or phrases that help to connect your ideas and make your writing or speaking more cohesive. Examples include "however", "in addition", "meanwhile", and "furthermore". Using these markers can help to improve your coherence and fluency.

3. The Importance of Cohesion: Cohesion refers to the way in which your ideas are connected and linked together. This is particularly important in the Writing test, where you need to use linking words and phrases to connect your paragraphs and ideas.

4. The Role of Pronunciation in Speaking: While grammar and vocabulary are important in the Speaking test, pronunciation is also a key factor. Make sure to practice your pronunciation regularly, and try to use a range of intonation and stress patterns to make your speech more natural-sounding.

5. The Use of Collocations: Collocations are words that are often used together, such as "get on well" or "pick up the pace". Using collocations can help to make your language sound more natural and fluent.

6. The Importance of Vocabulary in Reading: While grammar and comprehension are important in the Reading test, vocabulary is also a key factor. Make sure to practice using a range of vocabulary, including synonyms, antonyms, and idiomatic expressions.

7. The Use of Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing is the ability to express a sentence or idea in your own words. This is an important skill in the Writing test, where you need to be able to summarize and paraphrase information.

8. The Role of Fluency in Speaking: Fluency refers to the natural flow and rhythm of your speech. This is particularly important in the Speaking test, where you need to be able to speak confidently and smoothly.

9. The Use of Discursive Writing: Discursive writing is a type of writing that involves presenting a balanced view of a topic, including both positive and negative arguments. This is an important skill in the Writing test, where you need to be able to present a clear and balanced argument.

10. The Importance of Time Management: Time management is crucial in all parts of the IELTS test, particularly in the Speaking and Writing tests. Make sure to practice managing your time effectively, and try to allocate your time wisely to ensure that you have enough time to complete each task.

I hope these insights are helpful!