New indomie relish

You're referring to the new Indomie Relish flavor!

Indomie, a popular Indonesian instant noodle brand, has recently introduced a new flavor called Relish. The Relish flavor is a unique and exciting addition to their existing range of flavors.

From what I've gathered, the Indomie Relish flavor is a savory and slightly sweet blend of spices, herbs, and relish-like ingredients. The flavor profile is said to be a perfect balance of tangy, spicy, and umami notes, making it a refreshing change from the usual savory or spicy flavors found in instant noodles.

Some fans of the brand have described the Relish flavor as having a slightly sweet and sour taste, with a hint of spice and a crunchy texture from the relish bits. Others have praised the flavor for being bold and addictive, making it hard to stop at just one serving!

If you're a fan of Indomie or instant noodles in general, you might want to give the Relish flavor a try. Who knows, you might just discover a new favorite flavor!

Have you tried the Indomie Relish flavor yet? What do you think of it?