New india number

You're looking for a new Indian phone number!

Here are a few options:

Mobile Numbers:

  1. Airtel: 98200xxxxxx (10 digits)
  2. Vodafone: 98210xxxxxx (10 digits)
  3. Idea: 98220xxxxxx (10 digits)
  4. Jio: 98230xxxxxx (10 digits)
  5. Bsnl: 98240xxxxxx (10 digits)

Landline Numbers:

  1. Delhi: 011-xxxx-xxxx (8 digits)
  2. Mumbai: 022-xxxx-xxxx (8 digits)
  3. Bangalore: 080-xxxx-xxxx (8 digits)
  4. Chennai: 044-xxxx-xxxx (8 digits)
  5. Kolkata: 033-xxxx-xxxx (8 digits)

Note: The above numbers are just examples and may not be available. You can check with your service provider for availability.

Also, keep in mind that Indian phone numbers typically follow the format:

Let me know if you need more help!