New in php 7

PHP 7! A significant update to the PHP language, released in 2015. Here are some of the key new features and improvements in PHP 7:

1. Improved Performance: PHP 7 introduces several performance improvements, including:

2. Return Type Declarations: PHP 7 introduces return type declarations, which allow you to specify the expected return type of a function. This helps with code readability and prevents type-related errors.

3. Scalar Type Hints: PHP 7 introduces scalar type hints, which allow you to specify the expected type of a function parameter. This helps with code readability and prevents type-related errors.

4. Anonymous Classes: PHP 7 introduces anonymous classes, which allow you to create classes without a name. This is useful for creating classes that are only used once.

5. Closure::call(): PHP 7 introduces the Closure::call() method, which allows you to call a closure with a specific context.

6. Generator Delegation: PHP 7 introduces generator delegation, which allows you to delegate the execution of a generator to another generator.

7. Improved Error Handling: PHP 7 introduces several improvements to error handling, including:

8. Improved Support for Unicode: PHP 7 introduces several improvements to support for Unicode, including:

9. Improved Support for JSON: PHP 7 introduces several improvements to support for JSON, including:

10. Improved Support for WebSockets: PHP 7 introduces several improvements to support for WebSockets, including:

11. Improved Support for HTTP/2: PHP 7 introduces several improvements to support for HTTP/2, including:

12. Improved Support for SSL/TLS: PHP 7 introduces several improvements to support for SSL/TLS, including:

These are just a few of the many new features and improvements in PHP 7. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the official PHP documentation and the PHP 7 release notes.