New horizons youth ministries

New Horizons Youth Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides a range of programs and services to support the spiritual, emotional, and social development of young people. Here are some key facts about New Horizons Youth Ministries:

Mission: New Horizons Youth Ministries is dedicated to helping young people discover their purpose, build positive relationships, and develop the skills and character needed to succeed in life.

Programs: The organization offers a variety of programs and services, including:

  1. After-school programs: New Horizons provides after-school programs for elementary and middle school students, which include homework help, recreational activities, and character-building activities.
  2. Summer camps: The organization offers summer camps for children and teenagers, which focus on outdoor adventure, team-building, and spiritual growth.
  3. Mentorship programs: New Horizons pairs young people with positive role models who provide guidance, support, and encouragement.
  4. Leadership development: The organization offers leadership development programs for young people, which help them develop skills such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  5. Community outreach: New Horizons partners with local community organizations to provide outreach programs and services to young people and their families.

Values: New Horizons Youth Ministries is guided by the following values:

  1. Faith: The organization is rooted in Christian faith and seeks to help young people develop a personal relationship with God.
  2. Compassion: New Horizons is committed to showing compassion and care to young people, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  3. Excellence: The organization strives for excellence in all its programs and services, seeking to provide high-quality experiences for young people.
  4. Inclusivity: New Horizons welcomes young people from all backgrounds and seeks to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

Impact: New Horizons Youth Ministries has a positive impact on the lives of young people, helping them to:

  1. Develop positive relationships with peers and adults
  2. Build self-esteem and confidence
  3. Develop important life skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making
  4. Explore their faith and spiritual values
  5. Make positive choices and avoid negative behaviors

Overall, New Horizons Youth Ministries is a valuable resource for young people, providing a supportive and nurturing environment that helps them grow and thrive.