New horizons website

You're interested in the official website of the New Horizons spacecraft!

The New Horizons website is a treasure trove of information about the mission, its discoveries, and the latest updates. Here's what you can find:

  1. Mission Overview: Learn about the New Horizons spacecraft, its design, and its primary objectives.
  2. Flyby of Pluto: Explore the historic flyby of Pluto in July 2015, including stunning images, videos, and scientific findings.
  3. Kuiper Belt Exploration: Discover the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies and small celestial objects beyond Neptune, and how New Horizons is exploring it.
  4. News and Updates: Stay up-to-date with the latest news, press releases, and mission updates from NASA and the New Horizons team.
  5. Multimedia: Enjoy a vast collection of images, videos, and animations showcasing the mission's discoveries and stunning visuals of the Kuiper Belt and beyond.
  6. Science and Research: Dive into the scientific findings and research papers published by the New Horizons team, covering topics like geology, composition, and atmospheres of the Kuiper Belt objects.
  7. Education and Outreach: Find educational resources, lesson plans, and activities for students and teachers, as well as public outreach materials and events.
  8. Mission Timeline: Follow the mission's timeline, including launch, flybys, and future encounters with other Kuiper Belt objects.
  9. Team and Partners: Meet the scientists, engineers, and collaborators involved in the New Horizons mission, as well as its partners and contributors.

The New Horizons website is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in space exploration, astronomy, and the wonders of our solar system.