New horizons ministries

New Horizons Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides a range of services and programs to support individuals and families in need. Here are some key facts about New Horizons Ministries:

Mission: New Horizons Ministries is dedicated to empowering individuals and families to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. They provide a safe and supportive environment, offering a range of programs and services to help people build a better future.

Services: New Horizons Ministries offers a variety of services, including:

  1. Food Bank: Providing food assistance to individuals and families in need.
  2. Clothing Bank: Offering clothing and household items to those who are struggling.
  3. Shelter: Providing temporary housing for individuals and families who are homeless or in crisis.
  4. Case Management: Offering one-on-one support and guidance to help individuals and families achieve their goals.
  5. Education and Job Training: Providing educational and job training programs to help individuals gain new skills and employment.
  6. Health Services: Offering medical and mental health services, including counseling and health screenings.
  7. Children's Programs: Providing childcare and youth programs, including after-school activities and summer camps.

Programs: New Horizons Ministries offers a range of programs to support individuals and families, including:

  1. New Beginnings: A program for women and children who are escaping domestic violence.
  2. Pathways: A program for individuals who are struggling with addiction or mental health issues.
  3. Youth Empowerment: A program for young people who are at risk or have experienced trauma.
  4. Senior Services: A program providing support and resources for seniors, including transportation and meal delivery.

History: New Horizons Ministries was founded in [year] with the goal of providing support and resources to individuals and families in need. Over the years, the organization has grown and expanded its services to meet the changing needs of the community.

Location: New Horizons Ministries is located in [city], [state], and serves individuals and families in [specific geographic area].

Contact: If you would like to learn more about New Horizons Ministries or get involved with the organization, you can contact them at [phone number], [email address], or [website URL].