New horizons md

You're referring to the New Horizons spacecraft!

New Horizons is a NASA spacecraft that was launched in 2006 with the primary mission to explore the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies and other small celestial objects beyond the orbit of Neptune. On July 14, 2015, New Horizons flew by Pluto, providing the first close-up images and data about the dwarf planet.

Here are some interesting facts about New Horizons:

  1. Fastest spacecraft ever: New Horizons is the fastest spacecraft ever built, with a top speed of about 47,000 km/h (29,200 mph).
  2. Longest journey: New Horizons traveled over 4.8 billion kilometers (3 billion miles) to reach Pluto, making it the longest journey to a celestial body in history.
  3. First Pluto flyby: New Horizons was the first spacecraft to fly by Pluto, providing unprecedented images and data about the dwarf planet.
  4. Kuiper Belt exploration: New Horizons is exploring the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies and other small celestial objects beyond the orbit of Neptune.
  5. Next target: Ultima Thule: In 2019, New Horizons flew by Ultima Thule (also known as 2014 MU69), a small, icy world in the Kuiper Belt.
  6. Long-term mission: New Horizons is designed to operate for at least 10 years, with a planned mission duration of 20 years.
  7. Scientific instruments: New Horizons is equipped with seven scientific instruments, including cameras, spectrometers, and a radio science experiment.
  8. Communication challenge: Due to its vast distance from Earth, New Horizons communicates with Earth using a 2.1-meter (7-foot) diameter antenna, which is about the size of a small satellite dish.

New Horizons has greatly expanded our understanding of the outer reaches of our solar system and has provided a wealth of new information about Pluto, the Kuiper Belt, and other small celestial bodies.