New horizon assisted living

New Horizon Assisted Living is a senior living community that provides a range of services and amenities to support the needs of older adults. Here are some key features and benefits of New Horizon Assisted Living:





New Horizon Assisted Living has multiple locations throughout the United States, including:


New Horizon Assisted Living has received positive reviews from residents and families, with many praising the community's friendly and caring staff, comfortable living spaces, and wide range of amenities and services. Some reviewers have noted that the community's memory care program is particularly effective in supporting residents with dementia.


The cost of New Horizon Assisted Living varies depending on the location and level of care required. On average, the cost of assisted living at New Horizon Assisted Living ranges from $3,000 to $6,000 per month. Memory care services may be more expensive, with costs ranging from $4,000 to $8,000 per month.

Overall, New Horizon Assisted Living is a reputable and well-established senior living community that offers a range of services and amenities to support the needs of older adults.