New hiv vaccine and microbicide advocacy society

The New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS) is a non-profit organization that aims to accelerate the development and availability of effective HIV vaccines and microbicides. Here are some key facts about NHVMAS:

Mission: NHVMAS is dedicated to promoting the development and use of HIV vaccines and microbicides to prevent HIV transmission and reduce the global burden of the disease.


  1. To raise awareness about the importance of HIV vaccines and microbicides in preventing HIV transmission.
  2. To advocate for increased funding and support for HIV vaccine and microbicide research and development.
  3. To promote the use of HIV vaccines and microbicides in high-risk populations, such as sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs.
  4. To support the development of new HIV vaccines and microbicides that are effective, safe, and accessible to those who need them most.


  1. Advocacy: NHVMAS works with policymakers, researchers, and healthcare providers to advocate for increased funding and support for HIV vaccine and microbicide research and development.
  2. Education and awareness: NHVMAS raises awareness about the importance of HIV vaccines and microbicides through public education campaigns, workshops, and conferences.
  3. Research and development: NHVMAS supports research and development of new HIV vaccines and microbicides through grants and partnerships with researchers and organizations.
  4. Community engagement: NHVMAS works with community-based organizations to engage high-risk populations in HIV vaccine and microbicide research and development.

Partnerships: NHVMAS partners with a range of organizations, including:

  1. Research institutions and universities
  2. Non-profit organizations focused on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
  3. Government agencies and ministries of health
  4. Pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology firms
  5. Community-based organizations and advocacy groups

Impact: NHVMAS has made significant contributions to the development and availability of HIV vaccines and microbicides. Some notable achievements include:

  1. Advocating for increased funding for HIV vaccine and microbicide research and development
  2. Supporting the development of new HIV vaccines and microbicides, including the first HIV vaccine approved for use in Africa
  3. Promoting the use of HIV vaccines and microbicides in high-risk populations
  4. Educating policymakers, researchers, and healthcare providers about the importance of HIV vaccines and microbicides

Overall, NHVMAS plays a critical role in advancing the development and availability of effective HIV vaccines and microbicides, which are essential tools in the fight against HIV/AIDS.