New hitman ps4

You're referring to the latest installment in the Hitman series, "Hitman 3"!

Here's what you need to know:

Release Date: January 20, 2021 (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC)

Story: Agent 47 is back, and this time he's on a mission to take down Providence, a mysterious organization that's been pulling the strings from behind the scenes. The game takes place in various locations around the world, including Dubai, Mendoza, and Berlin.

Gameplay: Expect more of the same stealthy, strategic gameplay that made the series so beloved. You'll need to use your wits, disguises, and gadgets to take out targets and complete objectives. The game features a new "Escalation" mode, which adds new challenges and objectives to each level.

New Features:

  1. Elusive Targets: These are special targets that appear in each level, with a limited time to take them out. Completing these targets will reward you with exclusive items and challenges.
  2. New Locations: Explore new environments, including the previously mentioned Dubai, Mendoza, and Berlin, as well as other locations like Chongqing and Mawla.
  3. Improved Graphics: The game features improved graphics and lighting, making the game world feel more immersive and realistic.
  4. Enhanced AI: Enemies are more intelligent and responsive, making it harder to sneak past them undetected.
  5. New Gadgetry: Agent 47 has access to new gadgets, such as a grappling hook and a stun gun, to help you in your missions.

Reviews: Critics have praised the game's improved graphics, engaging story, and challenging gameplay. However, some have noted that the game's AI can be a bit too aggressive at times, making it harder to complete objectives.

Overall, "Hitman 3" looks like a great addition to the series, offering more of the same stealthy fun that fans have come to expect. If you're a fan of the series or just looking for a challenging and engaging game, "Hitman 3" is definitely worth checking out!