New hire orientation survey

Here's a sample new hire orientation survey to help you gauge the effectiveness of your onboarding process and identify areas for improvement:

New Hire Orientation Survey

Introduction: Thank you for joining our team! We're excited to have you on board and want to ensure that your transition into our organization is smooth and successful. This survey is designed to gather your feedback on our new hire orientation process and help us improve it for future hires.

Section 1: Overall Experience

  1. How would you rate your overall experience with our new hire orientation process?

(Scale: 1 = Very Poor, 2 = Poor, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Good, 5 = Excellent)

  1. Were you satisfied with the information provided during orientation?

(Scale: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Somewhat Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Somewhat Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree)

Section 2: Content and Coverage

  1. How would you rate the relevance and usefulness of the information covered during orientation?

(Scale: 1 = Not Relevant, 2 = Somewhat Relevant, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Somewhat Useful, 5 = Very Useful)

  1. Were there any topics or areas that you felt were missing or not adequately covered during orientation?

(Open-ended text field)

Section 3: Logistics and Timing

  1. How would you rate the timing and scheduling of orientation?

(Scale: 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent)

  1. Were there any logistical issues or challenges during orientation (e.g., parking, accommodations, etc.)?

(Open-ended text field)

Section 4: Support and Resources

  1. How would you rate the support and resources provided during orientation?

(Scale: 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent)

  1. Were there any resources or tools that you felt were missing or not adequately explained during orientation?

(Open-ended text field)

Section 5: Next Steps and Feedback

  1. What are your next steps and goals for your first few weeks on the job?

(Open-ended text field)

  1. Do you have any suggestions or feedback for improving our new hire orientation process?

(Open-ended text field)

Conclusion: Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback on our new hire orientation process. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve and refine our onboarding process for future hires. If you have any additional comments or suggestions, please feel free to include them below.

(Open-ended text field)

Demographic Information: To help us better understand your feedback, please provide the following demographic information:

This survey is designed to be anonymous, but if you would like to provide your name and contact information, we would be happy to follow up with you to discuss your feedback in more detail.

Thank you again for your participation!