New hire manual
A comprehensive new hire manual is an essential tool for onboarding new employees and ensuring they have a smooth transition into their new role. Here's a sample outline you can use as a starting point:
I. Introduction
- Welcome message from the company
- Overview of the company's mission, values, and culture
- Explanation of the purpose of the new hire manual
II. Company Information
- Company history and background
- Organizational chart
- List of key personnel and their contact information
- Company policies and procedures
III. Job Description and Responsibilities
- Job title and description
- Key responsibilities and expectations
- Performance goals and objectives
- Reporting structure and chain of command
IV. Benefits and Compensation
- Overview of company benefits (e.g. health insurance, retirement plan, etc.)
- Compensation package (e.g. salary, bonuses, etc.)
- Explanation of any benefits or compensation changes
V. Employee Handbook
- Overview of company policies and procedures
- Code of conduct and ethics
- Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements
- Harassment and discrimination policies
VI. Safety and Security
- Emergency procedures (e.g. fire evacuation, first aid, etc.)
- Safety protocols and guidelines
- Security procedures (e.g. access control, etc.)
VII. Technology and Equipment
- Overview of company technology and systems
- Instructions for using company equipment and software
- IT support contact information
VIII. Communication and Collaboration
- Communication channels and protocols (e.g. email, phone, etc.)
- Collaboration tools and software (e.g. Slack, Trello, etc.)
- Team and department communication channels
IX. Training and Development
- Overview of company training programs and opportunities
- Onboarding process and schedule
- Professional development and growth opportunities
X. Performance Evaluation and Feedback
- Performance evaluation process and schedule
- Feedback and coaching expectations
- Performance improvement plan process
XI. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
- Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements
- Explanation of confidential information and sensitive data
- Procedures for handling confidential information
XII. Conclusion
- Summary of key information and next steps
- Contact information for HR and other support teams
- Welcome message and encouragement to reach out with questions or concerns
- Company policies and procedures
- Employee handbook
- Benefits and compensation information
- Technology and equipment guides
- Training and development resources
Remember to customize your new hire manual to fit your company's specific needs and culture. It's also a good idea to review and update the manual regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.