New heights sermons

New Heights Church is a Christian church with multiple locations in the United States. They have a wide range of sermons available online, covering various topics and themes. Here are some popular sermons from New Heights Church:

Recent Sermons

  1. "The Power of Forgiveness" by Pastor Todd Wilson (March 2023)
  2. "The God of the Impossible" by Pastor Todd Wilson (February 2023)
  3. "The Art of Listening" by Pastor Todd Wilson (January 2023)
  4. "The Gift of Presence" by Pastor Todd Wilson (December 2022)
  5. "The Power of Gratitude" by Pastor Todd Wilson (November 2022)

Popular Sermon Series

  1. "The Gospel of Mark" - A series of sermons exploring the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospel of Mark.
  2. "The Book of Philippians" - A series of sermons exploring the themes of joy, gratitude, and perseverance in the book of Philippians.
  3. "The Power of Prayer" - A series of sermons on the importance and effectiveness of prayer in the life of a believer.
  4. "The Life of David" - A series of sermons exploring the life and leadership of King David, including his triumphs and failures.
  5. "The Book of James" - A series of sermons exploring the themes of faith, works, and wisdom in the book of James.

Top 10 Most Popular Sermons

  1. "The God Who Is There" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2019)
  2. "The Power of Forgiveness" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2020)
  3. "The God of the Impossible" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2020)
  4. "The Art of Listening" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2020)
  5. "The Gift of Presence" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2020)
  6. "The Power of Gratitude" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2020)
  7. "The Gospel of Mark: The Life of Jesus" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2019)
  8. "The Book of Philippians: Joy in the Journey" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2019)
  9. "The Power of Prayer: A Life of Intimacy with God" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2019)
  10. "The Life of David: A Study of Leadership and Legacy" by Pastor Todd Wilson (2018)

You can find these sermons and many more on the New Heights Church website or on their podcast.