New heaven and new earth sermon

Here is a sermon on the topic of the "New Heaven and New Earth" based on Revelation 21:1-6:

Title: "A New Heaven and a New Earth: The Ultimate Reality"

Text: Revelation 21:1-6


As we read through the book of Revelation, we come across a passage that speaks of a future reality that is hard to wrap our minds around. It's a passage that speaks of a new heaven and a new earth, a reality that is completely different from the one we know today. In this sermon, we're going to explore what this passage means and what it might look like when it becomes a reality.

The Old Heaven and Earth

Before we talk about the new heaven and earth, let's talk about the old one. The old heaven and earth are the ones we know today, the ones that are marred by sin and suffering. The old heaven and earth are the ones that are subject to decay and destruction. But the old heaven and earth are not the ultimate reality. They are just a temporary stage, a stepping stone to something greater.

The New Heaven and Earth

But what about the new heaven and earth? Revelation 21:1-6 describes a reality that is completely different from the old one. It's a reality where God dwells with his people, where there is no more suffering or pain, where there is no more sin or death. It's a reality where God is all in all, where everything is new and perfect.

In this new heaven and earth, there is no more sea. The sea represents the chaos and uncertainty of the old world. But in the new heaven and earth, there is no more chaos or uncertainty. There is only peace and stability.

In this new heaven and earth, there is no more sun or moon. The sun and moon represent the old world's dependence on creation. But in the new heaven and earth, God is the light and the life. He is the one who sustains and nourishes his people.

In this new heaven and earth, there is no more night. The night represents the darkness and uncertainty of the old world. But in the new heaven and earth, there is only light and joy.

The New Jerusalem

But what about the new Jerusalem? Revelation 21:2 describes the new Jerusalem as the bride of Christ, the city of God. It's a city that is made of gold and precious stones, a city that is beautiful and radiant. It's a city that is the dwelling place of God, where he walks among his people and dwells with them.

The new Jerusalem is not just a physical city, but a spiritual one. It's a city that represents the ultimate reality, the reality that we are all striving for. It's a city that is the culmination of all our hopes and dreams, the city that is the ultimate destination.


The new heaven and earth are not just a future reality, but a present reality. They are a reality that we can experience now, a reality that we can taste and see. They are a reality that is available to us through faith in Jesus Christ.

As we look forward to the new heaven and earth, let us not forget that it's not just a future reality, but a present one. Let us not forget that we can experience the ultimate reality now, through faith in Jesus Christ. Let us not forget that we are already citizens of the new Jerusalem, and that we are already dwelling in the presence of God.


Dear God, we thank you for the promise of the new heaven and earth. We thank you for the promise of a future reality that is completely different from the one we know today. We thank you for the promise of a reality where you dwell with us, where there is no more suffering or pain, where there is no more sin or death.

Help us to live in the light of this promise, to live in the light of the ultimate reality. Help us to experience the new heaven and earth now, through faith in Jesus Christ. Help us to be citizens of the new Jerusalem, and to dwell in your presence now and forevermore. Amen.