New haven review submissions

The New Haven Review is a literary magazine that publishes original fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Here are some guidelines for submitting your work to the New Haven Review:

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Fiction: The New Haven Review accepts short stories of up to 7,500 words. We prefer stories that are well-crafted, engaging, and original.
  2. Poetry: We accept individual poems or collections of up to 10 poems. Poems should be no longer than 3 pages in length.
  3. Nonfiction: We accept essays, memoir excerpts, and other forms of nonfiction. Pieces should be no longer than 7,500 words.
  4. Submission Period: The New Haven Review accepts submissions on a rolling basis. We encourage you to submit your work at any time.
  5. Submission Format: Please submit your work in a Word document or PDF file. Include a cover letter with your name, contact information, and a brief bio.
  6. Simultaneous Submissions: We allow simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  7. Response Time: We aim to respond to submissions within 3-6 months. If you haven't heard back from us after 6 months, please feel free to query us.

What We're Looking For:

  1. Originality: We're looking for unique, original voices and perspectives.
  2. Craft: We value well-crafted writing that is engaging, well-edited, and polished.
  3. Relevance: We're interested in work that explores themes relevant to contemporary life, including social justice, identity, and culture.
  4. Diversity: We strive to publish a diverse range of voices and perspectives.

How to Submit:

  1. Online Submission Form: You can submit your work through our online submission form.
  2. Email Submission: You can also submit your work via email to [email protected]. Please include "Submission" in the subject line.

Additional Tips:

  1. Read Our Past Issues: Familiarize yourself with our past issues to get a sense of the types of work we publish.
  2. Edit Your Work: Make sure your work is thoroughly edited and polished before submitting.
  3. Be Patient: We receive a high volume of submissions, so be patient and don't be discouraged if you don't hear back from us immediately.

Good luck with your submissions.