New haven jobs

New Haven, Connecticut! A city with a rich history, cultural attractions, and a thriving job market. Here are some job opportunities in New Haven:


  1. Yale New Haven Health System - various positions in healthcare administration, nursing, and medical specialties.
  2. Connecticut Children's Medical Center - pediatricians, nurses, and support staff.
  3. VA Connecticut Healthcare System - healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and therapists.


  1. Yale University - faculty and staff positions in various departments, including arts, humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields.
  2. University of New Haven - faculty and staff positions in fields like business, engineering, and criminal justice.
  3. New Haven Public Schools - teaching and support staff positions.

Technology and Startups

  1. Google - software engineers, product managers, and other tech roles at their New Haven office.
  2. IBM - software developers, data scientists, and other tech professionals.
  3. Startups like HubSpot, Zymergen, and others - various roles in software development, marketing, and sales.

Government and Non-Profit

  1. City of New Haven - various positions in government administration, public works, and social services.
  2. United Way of Greater New Haven - non-profit professionals in fundraising, program management, and community outreach.
  3. New Haven Museum - museum professionals, including curators, educators, and development staff.

Other Industries

  1. Insurance - companies like The Hartford, Travelers, and Aetna have offices in New Haven, offering various roles in insurance, finance, and customer service.
  2. Manufacturing - companies like Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky Aircraft, and others have manufacturing facilities in the area, offering production, engineering, and quality control roles.
  3. Tourism and Hospitality - hotels, restaurants, and attractions like the New Haven Green and the Yale University Art Gallery offer various roles in customer service, management, and marketing.

These are just a few examples of the many job opportunities available in New Haven. You can search for more job openings on websites like:

Remember to tailor your job search to your skills, experience, and interests, and don't hesitate to reach out to local employers and recruiters for more information. Good luck!