New hausa film video

You're looking for new Hausa film videos! Here are a few recent ones:

Recent Hausa Films:

  1. "Kayan Mata" (2022) - A romantic comedy starring Ali Nuhu and Sadiq Sani Sadiq.
  2. "Gidan Dabino" (2022) - A drama film starring Ali Nuhu and Jamila Nagudu.
  3. "Kwana" (2022) - A romantic drama starring Sadiq Sani Sadiq and Jamila Nagudu.
  4. "Mataki" (2022) - A thriller film starring Ali Nuhu and Sadiq Sani Sadiq.
  5. "Gidan Gwaska" (2022) - A comedy film starring Sadiq Sani Sadiq and Jamila Nagudu.

Where to Watch:

You can find these films on various online platforms, including:

  1. YouTube: Many Hausa film producers upload their movies on YouTube. You can search for the titles or channels like Hausa Movies, Hausa Films, or Hausa Movies Official.
  2. iROKOtv: A popular online platform for African movies, including Hausa films.
  3. Netflix: Some Hausa films are available on Netflix, although the selection might be limited.
  4. Local Cinemas: You can also watch Hausa films at local cinemas in Nigeria or other countries with a significant Hausa population.

Note: Availability and streaming quality may vary depending on your location and the platforms you use.

I hope you enjoy watching these new Hausa films!