New handball rules in football

I think there may be some confusion here!

Handball is a distinct sport with its own rules and regulations, whereas football (or soccer) is a different sport with its own set of rules. There are no "new handball rules in football" because handball and football are two separate sports.

However, if you're referring to the rules of football (soccer), there have been some changes and updates to the Laws of the Game over the years. Here are some recent changes:

  1. Handball law changes: In 2019, the International Football Association Board (IFAB) introduced changes to the handball law, which aimed to reduce the number of penalties awarded for handball. The changes included:
    • Introducing a "clear and obvious" threshold for handball decisions.
    • Allowing referees to use their discretion when deciding whether a handball was intentional or not.
    • Introducing a "ball-to-hand" test to determine whether a handball was deliberate or not.
  2. Video Assistant Referee (VAR): The use of VAR has been introduced in many top-level football competitions to help referees make accurate decisions on certain incidents, including handball.
  3. Substitutions: In 2020, IFAB introduced a new rule allowing teams to make a fifth substitution in extra time, in addition to the standard three substitutions allowed during a match.
  4. Goalkeeper restrictions: In 2019, IFAB introduced a new rule restricting goalkeepers from leaving the penalty area during a penalty kick.

These changes aim to improve the game, reduce controversy, and enhance the overall fan experience.