New hamisu breaker song 2019

You're looking for a new song from Hamisu Breaker, a popular Nigerian musician, released in 2019!

After some research, I found a few songs from Hamisu Breaker that were released in 2019. Here are a few:

  1. "Kokoro" - This is a popular song from Hamisu Breaker, released in 2019. The song features a catchy melody and lyrics that speak about the importance of being true to oneself.
  2. "Gyara" - Another hit song from Hamisu Breaker, released in 2019. "Gyara" is a high-energy song with a catchy chorus and a blend of Hausa and English lyrics.
  3. "Kwana" - This song was released in 2019 and features a more mellow tone than some of Hamisu Breaker's other songs. "Kwana" is a love song with a soothing melody and heartfelt lyrics.

Please note that these are just a few examples, and there may be other songs from Hamisu Breaker that were released in 2019 that I'm not aware of.

Would you like to know more about Hamisu Breaker or his music?