New hall international school

New Hall International School is a co-educational independent school located in Cambridge, England. Here are some key facts about the school:

History: New Hall International School was founded in 1932 as a girls' school, but it became co-educational in 1991.

Curriculum: The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum, including GCSEs, A-levels, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. Students can choose from a range of subjects, including languages, humanities, sciences, mathematics, and arts.

Academic performance: New Hall International School has a strong academic record, with students achieving excellent results in GCSEs and A-levels. The school has also been recognized for its success in the IB Diploma Programme, with students achieving high grades and gaining places at top universities worldwide.

Facilities: The school has a range of modern facilities, including state-of-the-art classrooms, science laboratories, a library, a sports center, and a performing arts center. The school also has a beautiful campus with plenty of green space and outdoor areas.

Extracurricular activities: New Hall International School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music and drama clubs, and community service projects. The school also has a strong focus on outdoor education and offers opportunities for students to participate in outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and sailing.

International connections: As an international school, New Hall International School has connections with schools and universities around the world. The school offers exchange programs and study abroad opportunities, allowing students to experience different cultures and educational systems.

Admissions: Admissions to New Hall International School are competitive, and the school looks for students who are motivated, enthusiastic, and willing to learn. The school accepts students from a range of backgrounds and nationalities, and offers support for students who may need additional help with English or other subjects.

Fees: The fees for New Hall International School vary depending on the student's age, nationality, and the level of education they are seeking. The school offers a range of scholarships and bursaries to help make the school more accessible to students from a range of backgrounds.

Overall, New Hall International School is a well-regarded independent school in Cambridge that offers a high-quality education and a range of extracurricular activities.