New guinea population

The population of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is approximately 9.3 million people, according to the 2019 estimates by the National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea. The population is diverse and spread across the country's 22 provinces, with the majority living in rural areas.

Here is a breakdown of the population of Papua New Guinea:

The population of Papua New Guinea is diverse, with over 800 languages spoken across the country. The majority of the population (85%) is indigenous, with the remaining 15% being expatriates or people of mixed ancestry.

The population of Papua New Guinea is also characterized by a high level of poverty, with approximately 40% of the population living below the poverty line. The country also faces significant challenges in terms of healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

Here is a breakdown of the population of Papua New Guinea by province:

  1. East New Britain: approximately 280,000 people
  2. East Sepik: approximately 400,000 people
  3. Enga: approximately 800,000 people
  4. Gulf: approximately 300,000 people
  5. Hela: approximately 400,000 people
  6. Jiwaka: approximately 400,000 people
  7. Madang: approximately 300,000 people
  8. Manus: approximately 50,000 people
  9. Morobe: approximately 700,000 people
  10. National Capital District: approximately 350,000 people
  11. New Ireland: approximately 100,000 people
  12. North Bougainville: approximately 200,000 people
  13. North Solomons: approximately 200,000 people
  14. Oro: approximately 400,000 people
  15. Papua: approximately 700,000 people
  16. Sandaun: approximately 200,000 people
  17. Simbu: approximately 400,000 people
  18. Southern Highlands: approximately 800,000 people
  19. West New Britain: approximately 200,000 people
  20. West Sepik: approximately 300,000 people
  21. Western Highlands: approximately 400,000 people
  22. Western Province: approximately 100,000 people

Note: The population figures are estimates and may vary depending on the source.