New grant

Congratulations on considering applying for a new grant! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

Step 1: Research and Identify Potential Grants

  1. Search online databases: Websites like, Foundation Directory Online, and Philanthropy News Digest provide a comprehensive list of available grants.
  2. Check with your organization: Reach out to your organization's development or grants department to see if they have any internal resources or connections that can help you find potential grants.
  3. Network with peers: Attend conferences, join online forums, or connect with colleagues who have successfully secured grants to learn about new opportunities.

Step 2: Review Grant Eligibility and Requirements

  1. Read the grant description: Carefully review the grant's purpose, eligibility criteria, and requirements to ensure your project aligns with the funder's goals.
  2. Check the funding amount: Verify the grant amount and whether it's a one-time or multi-year award.
  3. Review the application deadline: Make sure you have enough time to prepare a strong application before the deadline.

Step 3: Prepare Your Grant Application

  1. Develop a clear project proposal: Outline your project's goals, objectives, and budget in a concise and compelling manner.
  2. Gather required documents: Collect any necessary documents, such as resumes, letters of support, or project timelines.
  3. Write a strong cover letter: Introduce your project and highlight its relevance to the grant's purpose.

Step 4: Submit Your Grant Application

  1. Follow the application guidelines: Ensure you submit your application in the required format and by the specified deadline.
  2. Proofread and edit: Carefully review your application for errors and clarity.
  3. Submit your application: Send your application to the grantmaker via email, online portal, or postal mail.

Step 5: Follow Up and Evaluate

  1. Track your application: Keep a record of your application's status and any follow-up communications with the grantmaker.
  2. Evaluate your application: Reflect on your application's strengths and weaknesses to improve future submissions.
  3. Prepare for a potential interview: Be prepared to discuss your project and answer questions from the grantmaker.

Additional Tips:

Remember, securing a grant requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a strong understanding of the grantmaker's priorities. Good luck with your grant application!