New government minimum wage

The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that an employer is legally required to pay an employee for a certain period of time, usually an hour. The minimum wage is set by the government and is intended to ensure that all workers earn a fair and decent wage for their labor.

In the United States, the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour, which has been the same since 2009. However, some states and cities have set their own minimum wages, which are higher than the federal minimum wage.

Here are some of the latest developments on the minimum wage:

Federal Minimum Wage:

State and Local Minimum Wages:

Recent Changes:

Proposed Changes:

It's worth noting that the minimum wage is just one aspect of a broader debate about income inequality and the cost of living. Many experts argue that a higher minimum wage could help reduce poverty and income inequality, while others argue that it could lead to job losses and higher prices for consumers.