New google drive

You're referring to the new Google Drive!

In March 2021, Google announced a major redesign of Google Drive, aimed at making it easier to use and more intuitive. Here are some of the key changes:

New Interface

The new Google Drive interface is cleaner, simpler, and more modern. It features a more prominent search bar, a simplified navigation menu, and a focus on the files and folders you need to access quickly.

File Explorer

The new Drive includes a file explorer that allows you to browse and manage your files and folders more easily. You can now see a hierarchical view of your files and folders, making it simpler to find what you need.

Quick Access

Quick Access is a new feature that helps you quickly find the files and folders you need. It uses machine learning to predict which files you're likely to need and displays them prominently in the Drive interface.

File Sharing

File sharing has been simplified in the new Drive. You can now share files and folders with others by clicking the "Share" button and entering the email addresses of the people you want to share with.


Collaboration has also been improved in the new Drive. You can now invite others to edit files and folders in real-time, and you can see who's currently editing a file.


The new Drive includes improved security features, including two-factor authentication and enhanced data encryption.

Other Changes

Other changes in the new Google Drive include:

Overall, the new Google Drive is designed to make it easier to access, manage, and share your files and folders. If you're a Google Drive user, you may want to check out the new features and see how they can help you work more efficiently!