New gmail interface

The new Gmail interface!

In July 2021, Google rolled out a major redesign of the Gmail interface, introducing a new look and feel that aims to make it easier to use and more intuitive. Here are some of the key changes:

New Look

The first thing you'll notice is the new design, which features a cleaner and more minimalist aesthetic. The interface is now more streamlined, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.

Inbox and Labels

The inbox has been redesigned to make it easier to find and manage your emails. You can now see more emails in your inbox at once, and the labels have been moved to the top of the page.

Composed Email

When composing an email, you'll notice a new interface that's more similar to Google Docs. You can now use a more traditional email composition interface, with a focus on writing and formatting your email.

Smart Reply

Gmail's Smart Reply feature has been improved, allowing you to quickly respond to emails with suggested responses. You can also use the "Reply" button to quickly respond to an email.


The Snooze feature has been improved, allowing you to temporarily remove an email from your inbox and bring it back later. You can also set a custom time for when you want the email to return.


Gmail's Nudges feature has been improved, allowing you to gently remind someone to respond to an email. You can set a custom time for when you want the nudge to occur.

Priority Inbox

The Priority Inbox feature has been improved, allowing you to prioritize your emails based on their importance and relevance. You can also set custom priorities for specific emails.

Other Changes

Other changes include:

Overall, the new Gmail interface aims to make it easier to use and more intuitive, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.