New gladiator

A new gladiator! Let's create a character together.

Name: What would you like to name your gladiator? Something fierce and intimidating, or perhaps something that reflects their background or personality?

Appearance: What does your gladiator look like? Are they tall and muscular, or lean and agile? Do they have any distinctive features, such as scars, tattoos, or a unique hairstyle?

Background: Where did your gladiator come from? Were they born into a life of slavery, or did they volunteer for the arena? Do they have any skills or experience that might give them an edge in combat?

Special abilities: What makes your gladiator unique? Do they have any special moves or abilities that set them apart from other gladiators? For example, are they particularly skilled with a certain type of weapon, or do they have a talent for dodging attacks?

Personality: What kind of personality does your gladiator have? Are they fierce and aggressive, or more reserved and strategic? Do they have any quirks or habits that might affect their performance in the arena?

Let's start with the basics. What's your gladiator's name?