New girl season 7 episode 1

A fan of New Girl!

Season 7, Episode 1 of New Girl is titled "Engram Pattersky" and it originally aired on April 10, 2018.

Here's a brief summary:

The gang is dealing with the aftermath of Schmidt's departure to pursue his new career as a father. Jess is struggling to adjust to being a single person again, while Nick is trying to navigate his new role as the "cool guy" in the loft. Winston is trying to get his basketball career back on track, and Cece is dealing with the challenges of being a new mom.

Meanwhile, Schmidt returns to the loft for a visit, and the gang is surprised to learn that he's brought his new family with him. The episode is filled with its usual blend of humor, heart, and quirky characters.

If you're looking to watch the episode, you can find it on various streaming platforms, including Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and the Fox Now app.