New girl artie

Artie! He's a lovable and quirky character in the popular TV show "New Girl". Played by actor Max Greenfield, Artie is a recurring character in the show, and is known for his awkwardness, his love of video games, and his on-again, off-again relationship with Jess.

Artie is a bit of a weirdo, but he's also a loyal friend to the gang, and often provides comedic relief with his silly antics and one-liners. Despite his awkwardness, he's a kind and caring person who always means well, even if things don't always go according to plan.

Some of Artie's most memorable moments in the show include his infamous " Schmidt-isms" (a series of ridiculous and over-the-top phrases he uses to try and impress Jess), his love of video games, and his hilarious impressions of various celebrities.

Overall, Artie is a beloved character in the "New Girl" universe, and his quirky personality and antics add a lot of humor and charm to the show.