New germany immigration law

You're referring to the new immigration law in Germany, also known as the "Zuwanderungsgesetz" (Immigration Act). Here's an overview:

Key Changes:

  1. Simplification of the Asylum Procedure: The new law aims to speed up the asylum process and reduce the number of asylum seekers. It introduces a new procedure for processing asylum applications, which is expected to reduce the processing time from several months to a few weeks.
  2. New Categories of Residence Permits: The law introduces new categories of residence permits, including:
    • "Aufenthaltsbewilligung" (Residence Permit): for individuals who have a job or are self-employed in Germany.
    • "Arbeitsgenehmigung" (Work Permit): for individuals who have a job in Germany, but are not yet eligible for a residence permit.
    • "Familiennachzug" (Family Reunification): for family members of German citizens or residents.
  3. Points-Based System: The law introduces a points-based system to assess the qualifications and skills of job seekers. This system aims to attract highly skilled workers and reduce the number of low-skilled workers.
  4. Increased Focus on Integration: The law emphasizes the importance of integration and requires immigrants to learn German and adapt to German culture.
  5. Stricter Border Controls: The law allows for stricter border controls and increased cooperation with other EU countries to prevent irregular migration.

Who is Affected:

The new immigration law applies to:

  1. Asylum Seekers: The law aims to simplify the asylum procedure and reduce the number of asylum seekers.
  2. Job Seekers: The law introduces a points-based system to assess the qualifications and skills of job seekers.
  3. Family Members: The law allows family members of German citizens or residents to join them in Germany.
  4. Highly Skilled Workers: The law aims to attract highly skilled workers and reduce the number of low-skilled workers.

Implementation Timeline:

The new immigration law came into effect on January 1, 2020. The implementation of the law is ongoing, and the German government is still refining the details of the new system.


Please note that the information provided is a general overview and may not be exhaustive. If you're planning to immigrate to Germany or have specific questions about the new immigration law, I recommend consulting the official government sources or seeking advice from a qualified immigration lawyer.