New german immigration rules

Germany has introduced new immigration rules to attract skilled workers and address labor shortages. Here are some key changes:

  1. Skilled Worker Immigration Act (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz): Introduced in 2020, this law aims to simplify the immigration process for skilled workers and reduce bureaucracy.
  2. New residence permits: The law introduces a new residence permit for skilled workers, which allows them to work in Germany for up to 4 years. This permit can be extended for another 2 years.
  3. Simplified application process: The new law streamlines the application process for skilled workers, reducing the number of required documents and making it easier to apply.
  4. Priority for skilled workers: The law prioritizes the immigration of skilled workers in shortage occupations, such as IT, healthcare, and engineering.
  5. Points-based system: Germany has introduced a points-based system to assess the qualifications and skills of job applicants. This system awards points for factors such as education, work experience, language skills, and job offers.
  6. Job offers: To be eligible for a residence permit, skilled workers must have a job offer from a German employer. The employer must demonstrate that they cannot find a suitable candidate in Germany.
  7. Language requirements: Skilled workers must demonstrate a certain level of German language proficiency (B1 level) to be eligible for a residence permit.
  8. Integration requirements: The law introduces integration requirements for skilled workers, such as attending German language courses and participating in integration programs.
  9. Family reunification: The law allows skilled workers to bring their families to Germany, including spouses, children, and parents.
  10. Electronic application portal: The German government has launched an electronic application portal for skilled workers, making it easier to apply for a residence permit.

Key occupations in demand:

  1. IT professionals (software developers, data scientists, cybersecurity experts)
  2. Healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, medical engineers)
  3. Engineers (mechanical, electrical, chemical)
  4. Skilled craftsmen (electricians, plumbers, carpenters)
  5. Scientists (researchers, biologists, chemists)

Requirements for skilled workers:

  1. Bachelor's or master's degree from a recognized university
  2. Relevant work experience (at least 1 year)
  3. Language skills (B1 level German, or equivalent)
  4. Job offer from a German employer
  5. Points-based system assessment (based on education, work experience, language skills, and job offers)

Next steps:

  1. Check the eligibility criteria and requirements for your occupation and qualifications.
  2. Find a job offer from a German employer that meets the requirements.
  3. Apply for a residence permit through the electronic application portal.
  4. Prepare for the points-based system assessment and language proficiency test.
  5. Plan your move to Germany and integrate into the local community.

Please note that these changes are subject to change, and it's essential to check the official government websites and consult with the relevant authorities for the most up-to-date information.