New gcs score

You're referring to the Global Competitiveness Score (GCS)!

The Global Competitiveness Score is a ranking system developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to assess the competitiveness of countries. The score is based on a comprehensive framework that evaluates a country's performance across 12 pillars, including:

  1. Institutions
  2. Infrastructure
  3. Macroeconomic stability
  4. Health and primary education
  5. Higher education and training
  6. Goods market efficiency
  7. Labour market efficiency
  8. Financial market sophistication
  9. Technological readiness
  10. Market size
  11. Business sophistication
  12. Innovation capability

The GCS is calculated by assigning a score to each country based on its performance across these 12 pillars. The scores are then aggregated to produce a single overall score, which ranges from 0 to 100.

Here are the top 10 countries in the latest Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) 2020-2021:

  1. United States - 85.7
  2. Singapore - 83.5
  3. Netherlands - 82.6
  4. Switzerland - 82.5
  5. United Kingdom - 82.3
  6. Germany - 82.2
  7. Japan - 81.9
  8. Sweden - 81.8
  9. Canada - 81.7
  10. Australia - 81.6

Please note that the GCS is just one of many indices used to assess a country's competitiveness, and different indices may have different rankings and scores.