New funny memes

Meme time! Here are some new and funny memes that might tickle your funny bone:

  1. Distracted Boyfriend: A meme featuring a stock photo of a man looking at another woman while his girlfriend or wife looks on in shock or disgust. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to focus on your work but your mind is elsewhere"
  2. Grumpy Cat: A meme featuring a photo of a cat with a scowl on its face. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to adult but your cat is being a grump"
  3. Salt Bae: A meme featuring a photo of a chef seasoning meat with a dramatic flourish. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to add flavor to your life but it's just not happening"
  4. Arthur's Fist: A meme featuring a photo of Arthur from the kids' TV show "Arthur" with his fist clenched in anger. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to be patient but you just can't"
  5. Success Kid: A meme featuring a photo of a young boy with a determined look on his face and a clenched fist. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to achieve your goals but you're not sure if you can"
  6. Overly Attached Girlfriend: A meme featuring a photo of a girl with a creepy or obsessive expression on her face. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to have a normal conversation but your partner is being too clingy"
  7. Doge: A meme featuring a photo of a Shiba Inu dog with a caption written in a playful, exaggerated style. The caption is usually something like "Wow, such funny, very meme"
  8. Pepe the Frog: A meme featuring a cartoon frog with a caption written in a playful, exaggerated style. The caption is usually something like "Feels good, man"
  9. Rickrolling: A meme featuring a photo of Rick Astley from the music video "Never Gonna Give You Up". The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to have a serious conversation but someone Rickrolls you"
  10. Keep Calm and Carry On: A meme featuring a photo of a British propaganda poster from World War II with a humorous twist. The caption is usually something like "When you're trying to stay calm but everything is going wrong"

These are just a few examples of the many funny memes out there. I hope you find something that makes you laugh!