New functions in excel 2016

Excel 2016 introduced several new functions that can help you perform various tasks more efficiently. Here are some of the new functions in Excel 2016:

  1. XLOOKUP: A new lookup function that allows you to search for a value in a table and return a corresponding value from another column. It's similar to VLOOKUP, but more flexible and powerful.
  2. FILTER: A new function that allows you to filter a range of cells based on a condition. It's similar to AutoFilter, but more flexible and powerful.
  3. SORT: A new function that allows you to sort a range of cells based on one or more columns. It's similar to the Sort feature in the Data tab, but more flexible and powerful.
  4. AGGREGATE: A new function that allows you to perform aggregate calculations, such as SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT, on a range of cells. It's similar to the AVERAGE and SUM functions, but more flexible and powerful.
  5. IFS: A new function that allows you to perform multiple conditional statements in a single formula. It's similar to the IF function, but more flexible and powerful.
  6. MAXIFS: A new function that allows you to return the maximum value in a range of cells based on one or more conditions. It's similar to the MAX function, but more flexible and powerful.
  7. MINIFS: A new function that allows you to return the minimum value in a range of cells based on one or more conditions. It's similar to the MIN function, but more flexible and powerful.
  8. SUMIFS: A new function that allows you to return the sum of a range of cells based on one or more conditions. It's similar to the SUM function, but more flexible and powerful.
  9. AVERAGEIFS: A new function that allows you to return the average of a range of cells based on one or more conditions. It's similar to the AVERAGE function, but more flexible and powerful.
  10. COUNTIFS: A new function that allows you to return the count of a range of cells based on one or more conditions. It's similar to the COUNT function, but more flexible and powerful.

These new functions can help you perform various tasks more efficiently, such as:

It's worth noting that some of these functions are only available in Excel 2016 and later versions, so if you're using an earlier version of Excel, you may not have access to these functions.