New french president and wife

You're referring to the newly elected President of France and his wife!

As of May 2022, the President of France is Emmanuel Macron, and his wife is Brigitte Macron (née Trogneux). Here's a brief overview of their relationship and background:

Emmanuel Macron

Brigitte Macron (née Trogneux)

The Macrons have been married for over 15 years and have two children together, Tiphaine (born 1997) and Julien (born 2003). Brigitte Macron has been a constant presence at her husband's side throughout his political career, often accompanying him to official events and meetings.

As First Lady of France, Brigitte Macron has focused on promoting education, women's empowerment, and cultural exchange. She has also been involved in various charitable initiatives, including supporting organizations that help disadvantaged children and promoting French culture around the world.