New freezer challenge

The freezer challenge! It's a great way to declutter and organize your freezer, and also a fun way to get creative with meal planning and cooking. Here's a new freezer challenge for you:

Freezer Challenge: "Frozen Frenzy"

Objective: To clear out your freezer, organize your frozen food, and cook a variety of meals using the ingredients you find.

Challenge Rules:

  1. Set a timer for 30 minutes and start digging through your freezer.
  2. Remove everything from your freezer and sort items into categories (e.g., meats, vegetables, leftovers, etc.).
  3. Discard any expired or spoiled food.
  4. Organize the remaining food into airtight containers or freezer bags, labeling each one with its contents and date.
  5. Choose 5-7 items from your sorted categories and plan a meal around each one. You can use a recipe or get creative and come up with your own dish.
  6. Cook each meal and enjoy!

Bonus Challenges:

Tips and Variations:


Are you up for the Frozen Frenzy challenge? Let me know if you have any questions or need help with meal planning or cooking!