New fountain secondary school

New Fountain Secondary School! Here's some information about the school:

Location: New Fountain Secondary School is located in Lagos, Nigeria.

About the School: New Fountain Secondary School is a private secondary school that offers a comprehensive education to students from Junior Secondary School (JSS) to Senior Secondary School (SSS). The school is known for its academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and character-building programs.

Curriculum: The school follows the Nigerian National Curriculum, with a focus on core subjects like English Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The school also offers elective subjects like French, Computer Studies, and Business Studies.

Facilities: New Fountain Secondary School has modern facilities that include:

Extracurricular Activities: The school offers a range of extracurricular activities to help students develop their skills and interests, including:

Admission Requirements: To be eligible for admission to New Fountain Secondary School, students must meet the following requirements:

Fees: The school fees for New Fountain Secondary School vary depending on the level of study and the student's residency. Here are some approximate fees:

Please note that these fees are subject to change, and you should contact the school directly for the most up-to-date information.

Contact Information: If you're interested in learning more about New Fountain Secondary School or would like to apply, you can contact the school through:

I hope this information helps!