New found love

The thrill of new found love! It's a feeling that can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Here are some thoughts and feelings that people often experience when they discover a new love:

The Spark: That initial spark of attraction, the feeling of being drawn to someone, and the excitement of getting to know them better.

The Rush of Emotions: A mix of emotions, including happiness, excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. It's like a rollercoaster ride of feelings!

The Feeling of Connection: A sense of connection, understanding, and belonging. You feel like you've found someone who truly gets you.

The Desire to Spend Time Together: You want to spend every waking moment with this person, exploring new places, trying new things, and just enjoying each other's company.

The Fear of Losing It: The fear of losing this feeling, this connection, and this love. It's like you're holding onto a precious gem and don't want to let it slip away.

The Need for Communication: The need to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, to ensure that you're both on the same page and that your feelings are being reciprocated.

The Joy of Discovery: The joy of discovering new things about each other, learning each other's quirks and habits, and finding common interests.

The Sense of Security: A sense of security and comfort in knowing that you've found someone who cares about you and is there for you.

The Excitement of the Unknown: The excitement of not knowing what the future holds, but being excited to find out together.

The Feeling of Being Home: The feeling of being home, of being with someone who makes you feel safe, loved, and accepted.

Remember, new found love is a journey, and it's okay to take things slow, to communicate openly, and to enjoy the process of getting to know each other.