New football manager

You're looking to start a new Football Manager (FM) career! Exciting times ahead!

To get started, I'll need to know a few details from you. Please answer the following questions:

  1. Which league and country would you like to manage in? (e.g., Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc.)
  2. Which team would you like to manage? (e.g., a specific club, a team with a certain reputation, etc.)
  3. What's your preferred playing style? (e.g., attacking, defensive, possession-based, etc.)
  4. Do you have any specific goals or objectives for your career? (e.g., win a certain number of trophies, achieve a certain league position, etc.)
  5. Would you like to start with a blank slate or load a saved game?

Once I have this information, I can help you get started with your new FM career!