New fb app

You're looking to create a new Facebook app! That's exciting!

To get started, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a Facebook Developer Account: If you haven't already, create a Facebook Developer account. This will give you access to the Facebook for Developers platform and allow you to create and manage your app.
  2. Choose an App Type: Decide what type of app you want to create. Facebook offers several options, such as:
    • Web App: A web-based app that runs on
    • Mobile App: A native app for iOS or Android
    • Canvas App: A full-screen app that runs within Facebook
    • Page Tab App: An app that runs on a Facebook Page
  3. Register Your App: Fill out the registration form with your app's details, such as its name, description, and contact information.
  4. Set Up Your App's Basic Settings: Configure your app's basic settings, including:
    • App ID and App Secret: These are unique identifiers for your app
    • App Name and Icon: These will appear in the Facebook app directory
    • App Category: Choose a category for your app
  5. Choose Your App's Platform: Decide which platform you want to develop for (Web, iOS, Android, or Canvas).
  6. Create Your App's Login Flow: Set up the login flow for your app, including how users will authenticate and authorize your app to access their Facebook data.
  7. Develop Your App: Start building your app using the Facebook SDK and your chosen programming language (e.g., JavaScript, Java, Swift, etc.).
  8. Test and Debug Your App: Test your app thoroughly to ensure it works as expected and fix any bugs that arise.
  9. Submit Your App for Review: Submit your app for review by Facebook's review team. They'll check your app for compliance with Facebook's policies and guidelines.
  10. Publish Your App: Once your app is approved, you can publish it to the Facebook app directory and make it available to the public.

That's a high-level overview of the process. If you have any specific questions or need more detailed guidance, feel free to ask!