New family planning methods

There are several new family planning methods that have been developed or are being researched, including:

  1. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) with hormonal release: New IUDs, such as the Skyla and Liletta, release a small amount of hormone to prevent pregnancy.
  2. Implantable contraceptives: Implants like Nexplanon and Implanon release a hormone that prevents pregnancy for up to three years.
  3. Ring-shaped hormonal contraceptives: The Annovera ring is a new, flexible ring that releases a hormone to prevent pregnancy for up to 24 hours.
  4. Injectable contraceptives: New injectable contraceptives, such as the injectable hormonal contraceptive (IHC), can prevent pregnancy for up to three months.
  5. Male condoms with spermicides: New male condoms with spermicides, such as the Durex Performa, can provide additional protection against pregnancy and STIs.
  6. Female condoms: Female condoms, also known as internal condoms, are a new type of condom that can be inserted into the vagina to prevent pregnancy and STIs.
  7. Emergency contraception apps: Apps like Clue and Flo can help women track their menstrual cycles and provide information on emergency contraception options.
  8. Non-hormonal IUDs: Researchers are developing non-hormonal IUDs that use copper or other materials to prevent pregnancy.
  9. Vaginal rings with hormones: New vaginal rings, such as the Estring, release a hormone to prevent pregnancy and treat symptoms of menopause.
  10. Transdermal patches: Transdermal patches, such as the Ortho Evra patch, release a hormone through the skin to prevent pregnancy.
  11. Intrauterine systems (IUSs): IUSs, such as the Mirena, are small devices inserted into the uterus that release a hormone to prevent pregnancy.
  12. Fertility awareness-based methods: New fertility awareness-based methods, such as the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), use natural signs of fertility to avoid pregnancy.
  13. Male fertility tracking apps: Apps like Fertility Friend and Glow can help men track their fertility and provide information on family planning options.
  14. Vaginal diaphragms: New vaginal diaphragms, such as the Caya, are designed to be more comfortable and effective than traditional diaphragms.
  15. Spermicides with new active ingredients: Researchers are developing new spermicides with active ingredients that are more effective and longer-lasting than traditional spermicides.

These are just a few examples of new family planning methods that are being developed or have been recently introduced. It's important to note that each method has its own benefits, risks, and effectiveness, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best method for individual needs.