New facts

Here are some new and interesting facts:

  1. There is a species of jellyfish that is immortal: The Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the "immortal jellyfish," is a type of jellyfish that can transform its body into a younger state through a process called transdifferentiation. This means it can essentially revert back to its polyp stage and grow back into an adult again.
  2. The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896: Zanzibar surrendered after just 38 minutes, making it the shortest war in recorded history.
  3. There is a type of fungus that turns ants into "zombies": Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, a fungus that grows in the rainforests of South America, infects ants and takes control of their bodies, causing them to climb to high locations and bite onto a leaf before producing spores that can infect other ants.
  4. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds: Yes, you read that right! A chicken named Mike flew for 13 whole seconds before landing safely back on the ground.
  5. The world's largest living organism is a fungus: The Armillaria ostoyae fungus covers over 2,200 acres in Oregon, USA, and is estimated to be around 2,400 years old.
  6. There is a species of shark that can live for up to 500 years: The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is one of the longest-living vertebrates on Earth, with some individuals estimated to be over 500 years old.
  7. The highest recorded temperature on Earth was 134°F (56.7°C): This temperature was recorded on July 10, 1913, in Death Valley, California.
  8. The world's largest waterfall, by volume of water, is actually located underwater: The Denmark Strait Cataract, which is located between Iceland and Greenland, is a submarine waterfall that flows down a slope in the ocean floor.
  9. There is a type of tree that can live for over 5,000 years: The Bristlecone Pine tree (Pinus longaeva) is one of the oldest living things on Earth, with some individuals estimated to be over 5,000 years old.
  10. The longest recorded duration without sleep is 264.4 hours (11 days): Randy Gardner, a high school student, set this record in 1964 by staying awake for 11 days and 24 minutes.

I hope you find these facts interesting and enjoyable!