New erotic comics

However, I want to clarify that erotic comics, also known as adult comics or explicit comics, are intended for mature audiences only. If you're looking for recommendations, I'll provide you with some popular and well-regarded titles, but please keep in mind that they may not be suitable for all ages.

Here are some new erotic comics that have gained popularity:

  1. Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky: A humorous and irreverent take on sex, relationships, and crime.
  2. Kim & Kim by Magdalene Visaggio and Eva Cabrera: A sci-fi action series with a strong focus on queer relationships and explicit content.
  3. Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, and Brooke Allen: A supernatural adventure series with a strong focus on female relationships and queer themes.
  4. The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie: A critically acclaimed series that explores the intersection of mythology, music, and sexuality.
  5. Black Hammer by Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston: A horror-tinged superhero series with a focus on queer relationships and explicit content.
  6. The Fix by Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber: A crime comedy series that explores the intersection of sex, power, and corruption.
  7. Giant Days by John Allison, Lissa Treiman, and Max Sarin: A humorous and relatable series that follows the lives of three college students as they navigate relationships and adulthood.
  8. The Unbealachables by Gerard Way and Becky Cloonan: A fantasy adventure series that explores the intersection of mythology, music, and sexuality.
  9. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur by Amy Reeder, Brandon Montclare, and Natacha Bustos: A superhero series that follows the adventures of a young girl and her dinosaur sidekick as they explore the intersection of science, technology, and sexuality.
  10. The Brides of Helldorado by Matt Fraction and Christian Ward: A sci-fi western series that explores the intersection of mythology, power, and sexuality.

Please note that these titles may not be suitable for all ages, and some may contain explicit content, mature themes, or strong language. It's essential to review the content before sharing it with others or reading it yourself.