New era girls senior secondary school lagos

New Era Girls Senior Secondary School is a reputable educational institution located in Lagos, Nigeria. Here are some key details about the school:

Location: The school is situated in the heart of Lagos, making it easily accessible by road and public transportation.

Mission: New Era Girls Senior Secondary School is committed to providing a conducive learning environment that fosters the intellectual, emotional, and social development of its students. The school aims to produce well-rounded, confident, and responsible young women who are equipped to excel in their chosen careers and make positive contributions to society.

Curriculum: The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a range of subjects, including:

Facilities: The school has modern facilities that cater to the needs of its students, including:

Extracurricular activities: New Era Girls Senior Secondary School offers a range of extracurricular activities that help students develop their skills and interests outside of academics. These activities include:

Admission requirements: To be eligible for admission to New Era Girls Senior Secondary School, students must meet the following requirements:

Fees: The school fees for New Era Girls Senior Secondary School vary depending on the level of study and other factors. However, here is a general idea of what to expect:

Contact information: If you're interested in learning more about New Era Girls Senior Secondary School or would like to apply for admission, you can contact the school through the following channels:

I hope this information helps!