New english words and their meaning

Here are some new English words and their meanings:

  1. Vaxxer (noun): A person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease. Example: "I'm a vaxxer, so I'm not worried about getting COVID-19."
  2. Infodemic (noun): A situation in which there is a large amount of conflicting or unreliable information about a particular topic. Example: "The infodemic surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine has made it difficult for people to make informed decisions."
  3. Slay (verb): To excel or dominate at something. Example: "She slayed her presentation and got a promotion."
  4. Ghosted (verb): To suddenly stop responding to someone's messages or attempts to communicate. Example: "I was ghosted by my ex after we broke up."
  5. Savage (adjective): Something that is brutally honest or ruthless. Example: "Her savage criticism of the movie was harsh, but it was also accurate."
  6. Teledentistry (noun): The practice of providing dental care remotely through video conferencing or other digital means. Example: "The teledentistry platform allowed me to get a consultation with a dentist from the comfort of my own home."
  7. Wellness Warrior (noun): A person who prioritizes their physical and mental well-being. Example: "She's a wellness warrior and always makes sure to take care of herself."
  8. Fintech (noun): Financial technology, such as mobile payment systems or online banking platforms. Example: "The fintech company revolutionized the way we do our banking."
  9. Sustainable Fashion (noun): Clothing and accessories that are designed to be environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Example: "The sustainable fashion brand uses recycled materials and fair labor practices."
  10. Digital Nomad (noun): A person who works remotely and travels frequently, often to different countries. Example: "He's a digital nomad and spends his days working on his laptop from a beach in Bali."
  11. Microaggression (noun): A comment or action that is perceived as demeaning or offensive, often unintentionally. Example: "The microaggression from my coworker made me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome."
  12. Eco-Anxiety (noun): A feeling of anxiety or worry about the environmental impact of one's actions. Example: "I have eco-anxiety and try to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible."
  13. Social Media Influencer (noun): A person who has a large following on social media and uses their platform to promote products or services. Example: "She's a social media influencer and makes a living by promoting beauty products."
  14. Cryptocurrency (noun): A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Example: "I invested in cryptocurrency and hope it will increase in value."
  15. Gamification (noun): The use of game design elements in non-game contexts, such as education or marketing. Example: "The company used gamification to encourage employees to meet their sales targets."

Note: These words may not be officially recognized by all dictionaries or language authorities, but they are commonly used in everyday language.