New english names for baby boy

Here are some new and unique English names for a baby boy:

  1. Atticus - A classic name that's gaining popularity, Atticus has a strong and handsome sound.
  2. Sage - A nature-inspired name that evokes wisdom and intelligence.
  3. Kaius - A modern twist on the classic name Gaius, Kaius has a unique and stylish sound.
  4. Beckett - A literary name that's perfect for book lovers, Beckett has a strong and adventurous sound.
  5. Caspian - A majestic name that's inspired by the world's largest inland body of water, Caspian has a regal and powerful sound.
  6. Orion - A celestial name that's perfect for parents who love the stars, Orion has a bold and adventurous sound.
  7. Wilder - A name that's inspired by the great outdoors, Wilder has a free-spirited and adventurous sound.
  8. Rowan - A nature-inspired name that's perfect for parents who love the earth, Rowan has a strong and handsome sound.
  9. Maverick - A rebellious name that's perfect for parents who want their child to stand out, Maverick has a bold and daring sound.
  10. Asher - A Hebrew name that means "happy" or "blessed", Asher has a fun and upbeat sound.
  11. Cohen - A Hebrew name that means "priest", Cohen has a strong and handsome sound.
  12. Ezra - A Hebrew name that means "help", Ezra has a unique and stylish sound.
  13. Felix - A Latin name that means "happy" or "lucky", Felix has a bright and cheerful sound.
  14. Gideon - A Hebrew name that means "mighty warrior", Gideon has a strong and powerful sound.
  15. Jasper - A Persian name that means "treasurer", Jasper has a unique and stylish sound.
  16. Kieran - An Irish name that means "little dark one", Kieran has a strong and handsome sound.
  17. Lachlan - A Scottish name that means "lake", Lachlan has a unique and stylish sound.
  18. Magnus - A Latin name that means "great", Magnus has a strong and powerful sound.
  19. Nico - A Greek name that means "victory of the people", Nico has a unique and stylish sound.
  20. Phoenix - A name that's inspired by the mythical bird, Phoenix has a bold and adventurous sound.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to choose a name that you and your child will love and feel connected to!