New england journal of medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is a peer-reviewed medical journal that is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious and influential medical journals in the world. It is published weekly by the Massachusetts Medical Society and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

History: The NEJM was first published in 1812, making it one of the oldest continuously published medical journals in the world. It was founded by John Collins Warren, a prominent Boston physician, and has been published continuously since then.

Content: The NEJM publishes original research articles, reviews, and editorials on a wide range of medical topics, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and public health. The journal is known for its rigorous peer-review process, which ensures that all articles are thoroughly evaluated by experts in the field before publication.


  1. Original Research Articles: The NEJM publishes original research articles on a wide range of medical topics, including clinical trials, observational studies, and basic science research.
  2. Reviews: The journal publishes comprehensive reviews of current medical knowledge on specific topics, written by experts in the field.
  3. Editorials: The NEJM publishes editorials on topics of current interest and controversy, written by the journal's editors and other experts.
  4. Correspondence: The journal publishes letters to the editor and responses to articles published in the journal.
  5. Case Reports: The NEJM publishes case reports of unusual or interesting medical cases, along with discussions of the diagnosis and management.

Impact: The NEJM is widely regarded as one of the most influential medical journals in the world, with a significant impact on medical practice and research. The journal's articles are widely cited and have been shown to influence clinical practice and policy.

Rankings: The NEJM is consistently ranked as one of the top medical journals in the world, according to various metrics, including:

  1. Impact Factor: The NEJM has an impact factor of over 70, which is one of the highest in the world.
  2. CiteScore: The journal has a CiteScore of over 10, which is a measure of the average number of citations received by articles published in the journal.
  3. Journal Citation Reports: The NEJM is ranked as one of the top 5 medical journals in the world, according to the Journal Citation Reports.

Online Presence: The NEJM has a strong online presence, with a website that provides access to all articles published in the journal, as well as other resources, such as podcasts, videos, and online courses.

Subscription: The NEJM is available by subscription, both print and online. The journal is also available to individuals and institutions through various online platforms, such as PubMed and ScienceDirect.

In conclusion, the New England Journal of Medicine is a prestigious and influential medical journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and editorials on a wide range of medical topics. Its rigorous peer-review process and high impact factor make it a leading source of medical knowledge and a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and researchers around the world.